Kensington’s Garden Car On The Mend

Some folks recently decided to take out  their frustrations on one of our Kensington Market inhabitants – the (mostly) beloved Garden Car, aka: Community Vehicular Reclamation Project.

Just back from three days away in cottage country (my only escape this year), I went to resume my daily check on the only garden I’ve ever been responsible for – to my dismay, someone had smashed the rear windshield into fragments of tempered glass that were now seeded in the exposed soil and amongst the lush plants in the trunk. Not happy. Who would do this?

The Garden Car has certainly taken some hits over the years, but this time I found myself particularly upset.

Anyway, local artist Joshua Barndt and I quickly fashioned and applied a rough patch with the materials at hand – and today Jake & Sameena, a couple of lovely P.S. Kensington volunteers, joined me to remove the remaining glass shards, scrub off the graffiti, repair a tree branch, and install the windshield repair that should last through the winter.

From the photo below taken this evening, you can see that the leaves of the Burning Bush tree in the centre are beginning to turn. They’ll soon match the burgundy wall behind, and the duct tape window frame 😉

All repair materials were sourced at Active Surplus!