Portraits are a hit at CSI!

Seems there were quite a number of Centre for Social Innovation members interested in an updated headshot. Here are a few images from the two ‘Photo Day’ portrait sessions I held this week to kick off my new photo gig.

Shooting portraits is quite a connective experience.  I really enjoy helping people feel at ease with being photographed, and involving them in the photographic process.  With the ‘preview magic’ of digital cameras, I can get immediate feedback from the subject to see what works for them, or not, as we try different things with lighting, background changes, etc…

These images have been cropped, and I’ve also done some very slight modifications to correct for blemishes, stray hairs, tricky reflections in glasses, fluffy bits on jackets, and the like.

I can say wholeheartedly that upgrading both my camera and laptop were the best things I’ve done in recent months – and now my friends and colleagues can benefit from some high quality images since I’m available as a shooter-for-hire!